Deserts are often thought of as hot sandy places, but the two largest deserts on Earth are in Antarctica and the Arctic. They’re known as polar deserts due to the lack of rainfall and plant life.
That’s the depth of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, which is thought to be the deepest part of the ocean. It’s so deep that if you put Mount Everest (the world’s tallest mountain) in there, you’d still have over 2 kilometres of ocean to the surface!
Earth's water is in a constant cycle, meaning that we drink the same water as King Tut, the first humans and the dinosaurs!
When water’s available, you’ll often find lions quenching their thirst at a waterhole.
The reason tree frogs croack before it rains? It's the best time to call for a mate!
Be a planet hero – recycle!
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